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    英語人生格言大全a man has choice to begin love, but not to end itbohn

    faults are thick where love is thinhowell

    love and a cough cannot be hid

    love asks faith, and faith asks firmnessherber

    love begets loveherrick

    love can turn the cottage into a golden palace.

    love cannot be compelledchaucer

    love laughs at locksmithscolman

    love makes the world go rounddickens

    love me little, love me longjohn heywood

    love me, love my dogst. bernard

    love songht is good, but given unsought is bettershakespeare

    marry in haste, and repent at leisureray

    one love expels anotherlyly

    the course of true love never did run smoothshakespeare

    where love fails, we espy all faultsray

    whom we love best to them we can say leastray

    without respect, love cannot go fara. dumas

